Research – Development Activities

2019- : Participation to the Horizon 2020 research program «TAPAS: Towards an Automated and Explainable ATM System».

2019- : Participation to the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) research program «CHOROLOGOS: Semantic Spatio-textual Data Analysis and Processing».

2018-2019 : Participation to the Horizon 2020 research program «CYBELE».

2016-2018 : Participation to the Horizon 2020 research program «datAcron: Big Data Analytics for Time Critical Mobility Forecasting».

2015 : Participation to the development of a data migration tool to CERIF database from heterogeneous data sources.

2014-2015 : Implementation of an Ontology Based Data Access (OBDA) system for data integration of heterogeneous data sources and reasoning for maritime event recognition.

2014 : Implementation of an ontology modularization tool towards E-SHIQ distributed knowledge bases.

2009-2014 : Design of the E-SHIQ formalism and implementation of the distributed peer-to-peer reasoner in the SHIQ fragment of Description Logics.

2012 : Developed the web site for the Greek translation of the book “Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist: Effective Modeling in RDFS and OWL, Dean Allemang, James Hendler”.

2011 : Developed the web portal of Artificial Intelligence group of the department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus (

2010 : Developed the web portal of the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society (ΕΕΤΝ).

2009 : Development of “Tourism ontology” as partial requirement of the project “Development and deployment of applications for e-participation in Samos municipality” by IMC AEGEAN A.E.

2009 : Development of AI-Lab web portal using web technologies providing semantic capabilities of ontology-based annotated content.

2005-2006 : Participation in “Archimedes II” research program for the “Development of Database and Operations Simulation of Cretan Electric Power System”. Research director: Dr. Thales M. Papazoglou Professor of T.E.I. of Crete

2003-2005 : Participation in INNOPSE research program. Subject of research: “Tele-management of distributed Flexible Electric Loads in the Liberalized Electricity Market”. Research director: Dr. Thales M. Papazoglou Professor of T.E.I. of Crete

2004 : Member of the Local Organizing Committee of WorkshopELECTRICITY TELE-MANAGEMENT SERVICES” of the Research Program INNOPSE, TEI of Crete, Heraklion, April 23, 2004.

2004 : Development of application for the Cretan Wind Farms’ Electric Power Capacity forecast, under the research program INNOPSE (GEA BASE).

2004 : Development of SCADA software tele-monitoring and tele-control of underground water pumping stations (Pump Monitoring).